Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Message from RAM1

I'm back. What the fuck just happened? Did we just shoot a computer fucker movie? If so, why? Did I just watch my brother slam his pelvis into cpu casings for a month? Am I bad brother?

For real though, that was fun. It was also the hardest thing I've ever done, so thank-you to everyone on the cast and crew for keeping my head just slightly above water the whole time. You guys are angels.

We're into the editing and I think it's going well. It's fuuunny. Thank Christ. We're gunning to have a rough cut done in about a month. Julian, my editor, can do it. The dude is cut-throat, merciless.

On the computer fucking research front, I got kind of a threatening email during the shoot...

"You are being watched.
RAMming isn't a joke, Joker.
Watch your back.
And your computer."

It was signed, "RAM1".

After the initial anxiety about my and my computer's well-being (I gotta back-up my files) came the realization that the dude who wrote this is a computer fucker. At least I think that's what he's implying. "RAMming"? Is that what it's called? Wicked!

If you google RAMming, you don't find much. Especially since google ain't case-sensitive.

RAM1, if you're reading this blog, you know I've been looking for you. If you have concerns about the way RAMming is being treated in my film, please contact me again. I would love to discuss further...

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